
Monday, August 24, 2015

Rainbow Shower Trees

In late summer and early fall, the beautiful, multicolored rainbow shower trees display a stunning display of pink, white, orange and red flowers. These rainbow trees (Cassia x nealiae) are actually a hybrid between the golden shower (Cassia fistula) and the pink shower (Cassia javanica). There are different varieties, each with a different array of stunning color combinations: orange, pink, white, peach and sherbets.

The tree itself is fast growing reaching up to 65 feet high and spreading branches like an umbrella. It is fairly drought tolerant but grows best in a hot tropical or subtropical climate. Trees can be propagated by air layering or grafting and are native to Southern Asia.

In  Hilo, Hawaii, these beautiful trees can be found lining Kamehameha Avenue along Hilo Bay and growing at Liliuokalani Park. In addition, a few other types exist in Hilo:
  • The white shower tree, producing creamy white blossoms with a hint of yellow, are also be found in Downtown Hilo.
  • The pink shower tree producing large showy pink flower clusters can be found on the Hawaii Community College Campus.
  • The golden shower tree produces brilliant yellow flowers and can be seen at the Kawamoto Swim Stadium and near Mo’oheau County Park.